
Jordan Kuwait Bank Holds Ordinary General Assembly Meeting

The General Assembly of shareholders, held its 45th ordinary meeting on April 27th, 2022 via video and electronic communication tool, in accordance to the Defense Law No. (13) of 1992 and Defense Order No. (5) of 2020 published in the Official Newspapers on 31/3/2020 and the procedures issued by His Excellency the Minister of Industry & Trade on 9/4/2020 under the above defense order. The General Assembly meeting was headed by Mr. Nasser Lozi, Chairman of the board of directors and attended by the delegate of His Excellency the General Controller of Companies, delegates of the Central Bank of Jordan, delegate of Social Security Investment Fund, and the Bank’s auditors. The meeting was also attended by the Bank’s board of directors, executive management and shareholders. The general assembly endorsed the report of the board of directors, the financial reports for the year ending 31.12.2021 and the distribution of JOD 10.5 million as cash dividends to the shareholders which are equivalent to 7% of the capital.   Mr. Lozi stated that despite the prevailing circumstances associated with Covid-19 that extended for two consecutive years, the year 2021 witnessed exceptional efforts by the Bank’s various business centers, driven by the determination to confront the existing challenges and take advantage of all available capabilities and energies to overcome the current situation and effects of the pandemic.  All of this had a significant and tangible effect in reversing the negative results the Bank had witnessed the previous year.   The credit activity at the Corporate, SME, and Retail levels realized good growth rates whereby credit facilities grew by 8.4% amounting to approximately JOD 1.687 billion and customer deposits increased by 3.2% amounting to JOD 1.937 billion at the end of 2021. Total assets recorded an increase of 7% amounting to JOD 3.005 billion while Shareholders’ Equity recorded JOD 467 million; at a growth rate of 2.5% compared with the year 2020.  The Capital Adequacy Ratio maintained its high level of 18.94%. As a result of the Bank’s main activities, profit after tax and provisions amounted to JOD 7.704 million, compared to a loss of JOD 4.511 million in 2020, noting that the net provisions allocated for 2021 amounted to JOD 32.847 million (after calculating refunds) compared with around JOD 54.307 million in 2020, while the non-performing loans ratio decreased to 7.99% compared with 11% in 2020 and the coverage ratio increased to 68% compared with 55% in 2020. Mr. Lozi concluded the meeting by expressing the Bank’s gratitude to the shareholders and customers for their support and cooperation and to the Central Bank of Jordan’s and the Jordan Securities Commission’s Managements and all of their staff, and all the appreciation to the Bank’s management and employees and its subsidiaries for their efforts and role in the Bank’s success and development.